Here you will find the list of companies/brands who helped me for my trip, usually with good discounts on the goods they're selling. However I'm not taking/accepting all kind of gears, I always check carrefully how they are made and feedbacks from people I know, if I never had the chance to borrow them once. In short: I will only advertise companies/brands that I like and think that are worth it.


Namaste Sport Argentière

The best shop in Argentière if you need to rent ski/snowboard/telemark for your holidays. Usually you will get a special price ;-)

He is always my best support for all my mountaineering adventures, and no one can beat his friendship & happiness. My best sponsor so far and I think still for a long time...



I thought about an idea to play with a GPS and the web 2.0 social world during my trip. I ended up asking Suunto if they were willing to help me with a GPS watch to have the first stone of my sms-google-map system. I hope you will like my short messages that I will display on the website. The watch I will get soon is the new Suunto X10 - thank you Suunto!



While looking for a lightweight tent, I thought about the brand that my friend in Argentina had, a Hilleberg. I found the new Allak which fits perfectly my needs: a lightweight, 4 seasons and free-standing tent. Moreover it's made with high quality material, and it resists to pretty bad weather conditions with what I read on different blogs.

Petra Hilleberg found my previous adventure in Argentina and the future one quite existing. She helped me with a really good price on this wonderful tent!

Photo Grancy - Lausanne

Le magasin de Lausanne pour la photo! Ils sont très commerçants et font des prix défiants les vendeurs sur le web, mais avec le conseil et la gentillesse en plus. Ils ont un grand choix de matériels vidéo et photo. Allez faire un tour, au moins par curiosité si vous ne connaissez pas.

Boulevard Grancy 58
1006 Lausanne
Tél. 021 616 57 51